Have you forgotten who you are, that you were born a child of God, a divine hand, a piece of a giant collective heart that lives to love and loves to live?
Have you forgotten that you matter, that you are infused with a divine power and, because of this gift, you are powerful beyond measure?
Have you forgotten that when loneliness, struggle, fear and limitation are present, they are nothing but states of consciousness that are just an illusion, an intermittent interference, a smokescreen hiding the true essence of who you are?
Have you forgotten that you deserve better, that there is no one in the world quite like you and that without you, our collective heart cannot be whole or healed?
Have you forgotten that peace begins when you have claimed your piece and your place in our collective family? This is all that you are here to do.
Have you forgotten that we were all created equal and that it is our birthright to be treated that way?
Just for today, live like it is your piece that the world needs and is waiting for. Watch, as you step into this truth, how the universe opens up its arms to you. Watch as the world shifts right in front of your eyes and how your essence turns back into a part of the divine herself.
Do it for no other reason than to bring a little more peace and EQUALITY to the world today. Do it so that you remember the great gift of life - which is YOU. And in doing so, you will remind others - through reflection - the great gift that they are to this world.
Remember YOU are the love WE are waiting for.
With love and deep gratitude for allowing me to share my piece with you,
Debbie Ford
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